E840-TTL-GPRS03 2G GSM Module GPRS Net Server Connection TCP UDP Wireless Communication Module IoT Solutions

[Transmission type]:GPRS





[Introduction]:E840-TTL-GPRS03 is a new generation wireless module developed by Ebyte. The software of this product is fully functional and covers most of the conventional application scenarios. Users can realize the transparent transmission of bidirectional data from serial port to network server through simple setting.

Pin Definition
Pin No. Name Description
1 RST Reset.
2 IORT When in low level for 3~10S, module returns to factory setting and start over immediately.
3 LINK The link connection status indication pin corresponds to the onboard left 1 LED.High:successfully connect with network server;Low:fail to connect with network server.
4、24、25 NC Suspended, N/A.
5 DATA The data transceiver indication pin, when the network receives the data or the serial port receives the data (50ms high/10ms low), corresponding to the onboard left 3LED light.
6 STAT The device status indication pin corresponds to the onboard left 2 LED.Low: The device is poweredon to search for SIM card 1800ms for low, 200ms for high:the device checks the correct SIM card and is attaching to the network;High: The device is attached to the network successfully.
7 RXD Data RX,default 3.3V,compatible with 5V.
8 TXD Data TX,default 3.3V,compatible with 5V.
9 VEF Drive level power supply pin, if user need to achieve serial communication and LED indication of 5V drive level, user need to input 5V level on this pin.
10、11、14、15、23 MOD、SLE、PA0、PA1、EN Suspended, N/A.
12 4V2 Lithium battery power supply pin,range:3.8V~4.6V. This pin is prohibited from being reversedand is not allowed to be supplied with VCC.
16 VCC DC power supply pin,range:5V~18V.This pin is prohibited from being reversed and is not allowed to be supplied with 4V2.
19 VD Power pin to connect SIM externally, NC for pcb SIM card holder.
20 RS Reset pin to connect SIM externally, NC for pcb SIM card holder.
21 DA Data pin to connect SIM externally, NC for pcb SIM card holder.
22 CL Clock pin to connect SIM externally, NC for pcb SIM card holder.
13、17、18 GND Ground.