[Chip solution]: STM32WLE5CCU6
[Carrier frequency]:868~930MHz
[Transmit power]: 22dBm
[Communication distance]: 5600m
[Product size]:14*20mm
[Product weight]:1.6g±0.1g
[Introduction]:E77-900M22S is a standard LoraWan node module developed by Ebyte. It supports LoRaWAN 1.0.4 EU868, US915, AU915, AS923, IN865, KR920, RU864 standards, CLASS-A/CLASS-C node types, and ABP/OTAA network access methods. At the same time, the module has a variety of low-power modes, and the external communication interface uses a standard UART. Users can access the standard LoRaWAN network through simple configuration of AT commands. It is an excellent choice for current IoT applications.
Pin number | Pin name | Pin direction | Pin use |
1 | PB3 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
2 | PB4 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
3 | PB5 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
4 | PB6 | Input /Output | USART1_TX |
5 | PB7 | Input /Output | USART1_RX |
6 | PBS | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
7 | PAO | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
8 | PAI | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
9 | PA2 | Input /Output | LP_USART2_TX |
10 | PA3 | Input /Output | LP_USART2_RX |
11 | PA4 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
12 | PA5 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
13 | GND | Input /Output | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
14 | ANT | Input /Output | Antenna interface, stamp hole (50Ω characteristic impedance) |
15 | GND | Input /Output | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
16 | PAS | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
17 | NRST | Input /Output | Chip reset trigger input pin, active low (built-in 0. luF ceramic capacitor) |
18 | PA9 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
19 | PAI 2 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
20 | PAU | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
21 | PA10 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
22 | PB12 | InDut - Outdut | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
23 | PB2 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
24 | PBO | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
25 | PA15 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
26 | PC13 | Input /Output | Configurable general-purpose IO port (see STM32WLE5CCU6 manual for details) |
27 | GND | Output | Ground wire, connected to the power reference ground |
28 | VDD | Input | Power supply, range 1. 8~3. 6V (recommended to add external ceramic filter capacitor) |
29 | SWDIO | Input | Program download |
30 | SWCLK | Input | Program download |
Note 1: PA6 and PA7 pins are used as internal control RF switches of the module, PA6 = RF_TXEN, PA7 = RF_RXEN, RF_TXEN=1 RF_RXEN=0 is the transmit channel, and RF_TXEN=0 RF_RXEN=1 is the receiving channel Note 2: The PC14-0SC32_IN and PCI5-OSC32_OUT pins have been connected to a 32. 768KHz crystal oscillator inside the module for users to choose and use in secondary development. Note 3: The 0SC_IN and 0SC_0UT pins have been connected to a 32MHz crystal oscillator inside the module for users to choose and use in secondary development. |