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E73-2G4M04S1A Wearable Devices Smart Home Lock IOT Solutions 4dBm Nordic ble 5.0 nRF52810 Wireless Module


[Protocol]:BLE 4.2/5.0




[Introduction]:E73-2G4M04S1A is a hardware platform without firmware, so users need to conduct secondary development.For more details about nRF52810, please refer to the official datasheet. This module has maximized the RF Characteristic of chip. Built in 32.768K real-time clock crystal oscillator

RF Parameter Value Remark
Working frequency 2379~2496 MHz Default: 2.4GHz (32MHz oscillator)
Transmitting power 4 dBm About 2.5mW
Receiving sensitivity -95 dBm Air data rate: 1M bps
Air data rate 1M bps, 2Mbps Default: 1Mbps
Test distance 100m In open and clear air, with maximum power, 5 dBi antenna gain, height of 2m, air data rate: 1M bps
Hardware Parameter Value Remark
IC nRF52810-QFAABB/QFN48 -
RAM 24KB -
Core ARM Cortex®-M4 -
Size 17.5 * 28.7 mm -
Antenna type PCB -
Communication interface SoC -
Package SMD -
Electronic parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
Power supply 1.8 3.3 3.6 V ≥3.3V ensures output power
Communication level - 3.0 - V For 5V TTL, it may be at risk of burning down
Transmitting current - 18 - mA Instant power consumption
Receiving current - 13 - mA -
Sleep current - 2 - μA Software is shut down
Operating temperature -40 - +85 Industrial design
Operating humidity 10 - 90 % -
Storage temperature -40 - +125 -