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E62-433T30D 433MHz TDD FHSS 3 km long range wireless module 30dBm full duplex wireless data transmitter and receiver module

[Frequency]: 425~450.5MHz





[Introduction]:E62-433T30D is a 1W wireless transceiver module,operating at 425-450MHz.It featues FHSS,which greatly improves the anti-interference performance, TDD,which realizes transmiting data while receiving simultanuously,and FEC algorithm, which ensures its high coding efficiency & good correction performance.

Serial numberPinPin directionRemark
1M0Input (very weak pull-up)Determine the two working modes of the module: low level is the transmission mode, and high level is the configuration mode. (Cannot be left floating, can be grounded if not used)
2LOCKoutput   Module synchronization indication. A high level indicates that both parties are synchronized and data transmission is possible. A low level indicates that the two parties are not synchronized. Transmitting data at this time will result in data loss.
3RXDenterTTL serial port input, connected to the external TXD pin (can be configured as open-drain or pull-up input, see manual for details)
4TXDoutputTTL serial port output, connected to the external RXD pin (can be configured as open-drain or push-pull output, see manual for details )
5TOoutputIndicates the working status of the module, the user wakes up the MCU externally, and outputs low level during power-on self-test initialization.
6VCCenterModule power supply positive reference, voltage range: 2.8V~5.5V DC
7GNDenterModule ground wire
8Fixing hole
Fixing hole
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Fixing hole
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Fixing hole
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Fixing hole
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Fixing hole
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Fixing hole
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Fixing hole
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Fixing hole