[Product weight]:0.8g±0.1g
[Introduction]:E104-BT51A is a serial port to ble ble slave node module that supports ble protocol version 5.0. It is small in size and low in power consumption. It works in the 2.4GHz frequency band.
Pin No. | Pin Name | Pin Type | Pin Function | Pin Specifications |
1 | GND | Input | Power ground wire | - |
2 | NC | - | NC | - |
3 | NC | - | NC | - |
4 | MODE | Input | Mode selection Falling edge: configuration mode.Rising edge: transparent transmission mode. | |
5 | WAKEUP/SLEEP | Input | Wake-up pin | Wake-up: falling edge. Sleep: rising edge. |
6 | DIO_2 | Output | OUTPUT0 | User GPIO output pin 0 |
7 | LINK | Output | Connection Status | Bluetooth connection: low level.Bluetooth no connection: high level |
8 | DATA | Output | Data indication | DATA (data indication) When the module outputs data through the serial port, the DATA pin of the module is low level, indicating that data is being sent. AT command response does not change the DATA pin state. |
9 | GND | - | Power ground | - |
10 | TMSC | - | NC | Hang in the air, customers don’t need to care |
11 | TCKC | - | NC | Hang in the air, customers don’t need to care |
12 | DIO_6 | Output | OUTPUT1 | User GPIO output pin 1 |
13 | DIO_5 | Output | PWM0 | User PWM output pin 0 |
14 | DIO_7 | Output | PWM1 | User PWM output pin 1 |
15 | DIO_8 | Input | ADC2 | Bluetooth service battery voltage acquisition pin |
16 | GND | - | Power ground | Power ground |
17 | VCC | - | Power is positive | Power is positive |
18 | RXD | Input | UART RX pin | - |
19 | TXD | Output | UARTTX pin | - |
20 | DIO_12 | Output | ADC0 | ADC acquisition pin 0 |
21 | DIO_13 | Input | ADC1 | ADC acquisition pin 1 |
22 | nRESET | Input | Power reset | Active low |
23 | NC | - | - | - |
24 | NC | - | - | - |