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E104-BT5011A-TB nRF52811 wireless module Long range transceiver ble 5.1 beacon ibeacon UART Serial port to ble module


[Size]:48 * 28mm

[Introduction]:E104-BT5011A is a serial to BLE master-slave integrated module based on ble protocol version 5.1. It is small in size and low power consumption. It works in the 2.4GHz frequency band.

Main ParametersPerformanceNote
Voltage supply [V]03.6Voltage over 3.6V will cause permanent damage to module
Blocking power [dBm]-10Chances of burn is slim when modules areused in short distance
Operating temperature[℃]-40+85Industrial grade

Main ParametersPerformanceRemarks
Voltage supply [V]≥3.3 V ensures output power
Communication level(V)-3.3-For 5V TTL, it may be at risk of burning down
Operating temperature(℃)-40-+85Industrial design
Frequency [MHz]2402-2480Support ISM band
Transmitting current(mA)-1319-
Sleep current(μA)-8--
Maximum transmittingpower(dBm)-3.84-
Receiving sensitivity(dBm)--96-Bluetooth®lowenergymode
Arbitrary I/OVIL/VIHGND/0.84  GND/VCC0.36/VCC
Sleep broadcast current(default)-13.83  -Unit: uA. Broadcast gap is 1s
Sleep connection current(default)-6.89-Unit: uA. Broadcast gap is 1s

Main parameterDescriptionRemarks
Distance70mTest condition : Clear and open environment, height 2.0 meters; @4dBm; air speed: 1Mbps
BLE protocol  BLE5.1  -
Communication interfaceUART-
Connector1.27 mm-
AntennaCeramic antenna50Ω Impedance