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E104-BT5005A serial to BLE master-slave integrated module OEM Service ibeacon BLE Module Nordic nRF52805





[Product weight]:0.35g

[Introduction]:[Introduction]:E104-BT5005A is a serial to BLE master-slave integrated module based on BLE protocol version 5.0. It is small in size and low in power consumption. It works in the 2.4GHz frequency band.

Parameter Performance Remark
Reference distance 70m Clear and open environment, height 2.0 meters; @4dBm;air speed: 2Mbps
Bluetooth protocol BLE5.0 -
Communication Interface UART -
Package SMD -
Interface method 1.1 mm -
Dimensions 9*9mm -
Antenna Ceramic antenna Equivalent impedance is about 50Ω
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark
Operating voltage 1.7 3.3 3.6 V ≥3.3V can guarantee output power
Communication level - 3.3 - V Using 5V level is risky to burn
Working temperature -40 - +85 Industrial design
Operating frequency 2402 - 2480 MHz ISM frequency band
Emission current - 7.2 - mA -
Receiving current - 6.4 - mA -
Maximum transmit power -3.5 3.8 4 dBm -
Receiving sensitivity - -96 - dBm Bluetooth®lowenergymode
Sleep broadcast current((default) - 6 - uA Unit: uA.The default broadcast interval is 1s
Wake-up broadcast current((default) - 5.8 - mA Unit: uA.The default broadcast interval is 1s
Wake up without broadcast current(default) - 1.8 - mA Unit: mA.The default connection gap is 500ms