[WiFi version]:802.11b/g/n
[Product weight]:0.9g±0.1g
[Introduction]:E103-W10 is an ultra-cost-effective serial-to-Wi-Fi module with a small package of patches that work in the 2.4 to 2.4835GHz band. The module can use serial port for data sending and receiving, reducing the threshold for wireless applications.
Pin No. | Item | Direction | Description |
1 | GND | - | GND |
2 | IO2 | Input/Output | GPIO2; Can be used as UART1_TX when flashing |
3 | IO0 | Input/Output | GPIO0;SPI_CS2 |
4 | IO4 | Input/Output | GPIO4 |
5 | IO5 | Input/Output | GPIO5 |
6 | RXD0 | Input/Output | GPIO3;Can be used as UART1_TX when flashing |
7 | TXD0 | Input/Output | GPIO1; SPI_CS1;Can be used as UART1_TX when flashing |
8 | RST | Input | External reset signal (low level valid), reset module; The pull-up resistor is connected to the inside of the module |
9 | IO16 | Input/Output | GPIO16; Deep sleep wake-up |
10 | ADC | Input | TOUT;ADC port (Note: ADC port port inside the chip) can be used to detect the input in voltage of the VDD3P3 (Pin3, Pin4) supply voltage and the TOUT (Pin6) (both of which cannot be used at the same time) |
11 | EN | Input | Chip enables end, high level: effective, chip works properly;Low level: Chip closed , small current., and the pull-up resistor is connected inside the module |
12 | IO14 | Input/Output | GPIO14; HSPI_CLK |
13 | IO12 | Input/Output | GPIO12;HSPI_MISO |
14 | IO13 | Input/Output | GPIO13; HSPI_MOSI; UART0_CTS |
15 | IO15 | Input/Output | GPIO15; HSPI_CS;UART0_RTS; Resistance is connected to ground in the inside of the module |
16 | VCC | - | Module power:2.7~3.3V |